Wednesday 16 May 2012

End of module - Evaluation - OUGD406

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I feel that through this module i have devleoped skills within working in a group. Having to listen to ideas and create a project that involves a whole group is quite a hard skill to grasp. Changing ideas throughout ‘ Communication is a virus’ was also difficult but i learned devleopmentation skills within our group work which allowed us to progress. I feel that i have also learned skills in other areas such as methods of design sheets. i have related the design sheets to my work in a more specific way which has made the evidence of research / devlopments and final pieces a more creatice flow.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I have devloped a different method of design in these last few briefs. I have slightly struggeled with my designs in this last module os i have had to chnage my methods of design.  i have tried to create more detialed approches to my design work, especially within the Stamp it brief, but i don’t feel that they worked very well. The designs i printed off didn’t meet the tbrief set and i believe that i focused on my method of design to much that i lost sight of the brief targets. 
3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

Though this work i feel that i have made alot of strengths in the group presentation. The use of working within a group is effected me in a good way as i feel that i have gained strengths in confidence / speaking and listening skills and also on my interaction within a group and studio, all of which i feel are key aspects. I also feel that i grian alot of knowledge in the rain brief. i learned alot about Kessels’ specific style and learned hw to devlop images that you think are negative into postive aspects without cliche imerergy.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I feel that i have let myslef down with this module and i think that it shows directly through my work. i tried to focus more on attention to detail but i feel it has pushed my designs in a negative way. I think that ‘Its your choice’ concept was good but my final outcome neglected a visually pleasing aspect and i am very disappointed. I lso feel the same about my ‘stamp it’ brief. 

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

- I will not focus and pay to much attention to detail and lose focus on the designs/ concept as it has cost me alot with this moduel.
- Will be a main section of my work and allow me to portray ideas and solutions to my target audience. I will expect to gain a greater understanding of my work and it wil translate clearly through my publications.
- o allow extra time to change idea and add extra sections on – Develop time management skills. So that I do have time to make extra changes.
- I will use illustrator to create more designs – to develop my skills as a designer. 
- I will work harder and not lose focus / pay more attention.  

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