Friday, 24 February 2012


DandAD//Poster Brief

I am now working on a D&AD live brief that has been set by Krik Kessels. The brief is to create a set of three A2 Posters about the rain in our country...
"It always rains in your country. Make a poster for visitors to the UK explaining why so much rain is attractive. Don't be sarcastic, after all, rain can be romantic, useful or beautiful."
 We were given a new brief by Erik Kessels to create 3 posters that portray rain in a positive way.
I started to develop my designs further: 

I started off with developing my my designs through very simple ideas and imergy;

An umbrella is an obvious choice in relation t this beef. I chose this so that could focus on the type underneath the design but i feel it is a weak design and poor layout. The use of having a grey background and light imergry and text helps to create a positive approach to rain. 


The flow of rain i feel is quite is quite a slow grading so i decoded to focus the poster designs on this motion. 

Adding in the type to make the design approachable;

I don't like the above designs. Although they are only variations and early experiments of my ideas i feel that they can be explored in further detail; Here are my more focused designs; 



This is one of my final images - I feel that this design works well and looks effective. The use of the colour blue and the line backgournd offers a unique compliment. I feel that the design is quite strog but the negatives is that it doesn't really relate to erik kessels work very feel. He uses blocks and quite trash type where as i have used gradients and overlays and script type. I feel that it needs more focus. 

Development of 2nd and 3rd posters; 
I decided to start agin with my designs to see if i could generate any more ideas. I have to create 2 and 3 more posters so that they work as a series but nay one will go forward to the live brief. 

I wanted to generate some generic imergry and shapes so i looks at blue / rain drops and the sun.

Egypt type:


I have chosen to step away form the above and to start looks into eriks work. I have explored this research on my design context blog and feel that it will be beneficial t my work. So i have decided to go for a bold and abrasive typeface against a calm and neutral backgournd. Here are my ideas:

The way of laying out the type; I took inspiration once again form eriks work and believe that this is the best way to translate my message. I decide dot tilt th type in the position as rain falls. I then added in the raindrop abckgournd and extended the lines on the raindrop to create an overlay;

Work with angular and diagonal type; I have chosen to develop this is quite a stylistic layout. The use of this is to work in the sam style.

Backgorund experiments with filter and overlay projection;

I quite lik ethe layout of this design but it is obviously to dark, many layers you cannot see because of the contrasting tones of colour within th image;


I have tried to experiment a lot with this second final image. I wanted it to be a type creative piece which i think has been achieved, but looking at it as a final piece now is hard to relate to. The ideas i wanted to achieved haven't quite been ported through my layout experiments. I feel with my last design i need to incorpate the ideas i have had and create a well balanced and thought out design. 

Final design:

i revisited the layout design from previous, an started to develop it into angular formats with type.

I have developed the images and added type to the bottom of the designs. i feel that the use of the angular motion of the background works well. I also quite like the boldness of the 'rainfall' section - taken from erik's style of work. 

Variations of my designs:


I am happy with my final image and feel that the gradients work well within the image and allows more impact to be felt. The idea of keeping the designs simple is effective and the use of 'mountain' like features of the rain and rainfall i feel that it does relate to the bonus' of rain and its positive aspects.
Throughout this beef i have developed and learned new skills that allow me to take a designers style of work and introduce it into my own designs. The us of this has brooded my range and allowed me to experiment almost out of my comfort zone. The fact that this brief is live is also a positive as it shows me how harsh this design wold can be as only 1 design gets picked at the end.
I feel that my designs as a set work quite well, but there are obvious features that need to be resolved and worked on if i had more time. The use of colour and pattern works well throughout each image but i feel that the impact of the designs need to be presented more fiercely. If i could take one design forward it would have to be the last design i created. this is because i feel that it met the brief the most and also keep interesting and thought provoking imergey through the backgournd shape.

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