Thursday, 11 April 2013

Website Development 1

The idea for the website is to function as a informational purpose. I want the design to be minimal but also consist of 1990s style and trends. The colour scheme will stay the same as the publication and product design. 

The Grid format for my website proposal:

The initial idea :
 to have an overcrowding of images and patterns, but even when scaled out like the image below, the design looked to basic and comprised. 

Adding in a background into the image works well for vibrancy but takes away from the information that needs to be seen at the forfront.

A simple welcome page works well. it fits the design:

The images on publication work as they are hovered over, they turn purple, if the users wantes to read the document then it opens up into a new tab and explains the document. 

The layout of this websit eis very simple. I wanted to keep it like this so that i could push the pattern. The vibrancy works wel with the 90s theme. 

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