Wednesday 10 October 2012

Top Ten reasons why i chose my Subject Matter

1. I chose to base my idea around the concept of rioting and protesting because it gained my interest over the past few years. I wanted to focus on all things that had to do with this over the years so to me picking something with such depth and history seemed like the right thing.

2. I also wanted to foci on getting to know some public speakers better. For instant, everyone knows who martin luther king was but for womans rights ovembt, key people such as bet try frieden and not as well remember. Each person i detailed about had something very stung and truthful to say nd that is why it is interesting to hear about / research.

3. I chose this subject because i found out some interesting facts. The student riots in 2012/2011had some very bad/good effects on the world and brought about the whole idea of 'freedom of speech'. Thi to me is an interesting a sect all together because in a modern world you think that speech freedom had been created? So questions like this needed to be awnsered/

4. I wanted to find out awnseres. I anted to get views on both sides of protests and riots. I wanted to understand how hard it was to control riots and what aspects have to be undertaken.

5. I chose to do this because I had some great 1st hand research from a police officer. From this i decided to focus attention into aspects of guarding and control methods. This then got me focused onto why? how? and different aspects of police methods through history. This was interesting to look at as it allowed me to see the changes and differences in police methods and equipment.

6. Rioting has been a vocal point of the world for a long time. I wanted to look at the worst riots? what message where they trying to convey? how is this possible? I wanted to research the biggest and most impacted riots through history.

7. Finding out about protesting methods/different types of protests is a good thing for me. I didn't know at first that there were so many types of protests. It seems that only the protests that get out of hand end up being publicised.

8. To find out key things in the world political, cultural and all round idea of human rights. Is it right? why? who has the control? why is this?

9. To focus on a variety of different case study and to focus my attention on 3 specific genres of protesting such as womens rights, the movemnt of america and student riots.

10. I did this so that i could devlop my skills in these areas. I wanted to look at how people react to control and who devlops what opinions and who ends up with social control. 

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