Tuesday 17 April 2012

What is a Line - Blurb Creation (Book Design)


To create the end product of my collages i have decided to create a book which will include all the designs. I found a website called BLURB.COM who will use software so you can build your book and then you can place an oder for it to be created, bound and delivered. 

This is the process i used to create my book design:

I had to select my images into the database so then i could drag and place them onto the pages.
This is a overview of my book. I only wanted to include a few variations of my designs so i elected my best images and arranged them into an order. I found the process effective and quite easy to use.


I created the front and back cover to be extremely simple and i feel that it resembles the images i have created. I have also left the information page as simple as i can to tie in with this theme. I love having negative space as i feel it creates drama and tension within work so i aimed to used this technique throughout my book design. 


I used one of my images to have as the contents page so people can get an insight into the type of design being portrayed. Once agin the design is simple and to the point.


I have elected a few of the pages so that it is clear to see what the designs look like when they are together. I have mixed up the order in various sections of the designs. i HAVE SOMETIMES PLACED TO VERY 'BUSY' IMAGES NEXT TO EACH OTHER AND AT OTHER TIMES I HAVE GONE IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. 

I feel that the book looks quite effective and will hopefully turn out as expected.

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