Tuesday 24 April 2012

Evaluation 2 - Design Principles OUGD404

  1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
Throughout this module i have developed theory skills that will aid me in my practical work. I have developed skills in grid layouts, colour theory and typography that I will use. Through learning about type and grid, which i found extremely interesting, I have developed skills on point size, layouts and matching appropriate type to situations. Learning about signs and symbols and the atonomy of type has given me insight into how design actually works and what it is built on. I think i have applied knowledge f layouts from my type and grid onto my pratcial work within this module. The use of creating and expressing ideas through different types of layouts has really influenced my work that i have been creating. I think I've applied the things i have learnt in type and grid but i feel that i could of applied them in further detail when doing my pantone section of work. 

  1. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
I feel that i have developed on my layout design production, and applied that through some of my design work. I have developed methods of production through colour theory for the design work i have created. Knowing what colours work and contrast is useful in all areas of design, but knowing detail and learning the different types i feel it generates a lot better insight into the ways of design. The use of them in relevance to my design development process has been quite useful. I feel that with the things i have learned i have been able to apply them to design production.

  1. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I have realised that when i focus on something, although it's hard, if i stick at it then i can learn what i need to. Throughout this module i have i have gained strengths i feel in two specific areas. With what is a line brief i feel that i have gained strength and understanding of my chosen subject, i brankced out of useful final pieces and created things that i feel pushed me as a designer as the style. I also feel that i have grown within grid and type. i really enjoyed these sessions and although it was difficult to work out things such as point size i feel that i have found a new interest in layout and thing stat work well together. In the future i will take what i have lean red and put it in action through my designs,

  1. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
Throughout this module i found that my biggest weakness was understanding the pantone theory section. ntorducing so many idffernte aspects through this was very difficult to me. i found it hard to distinguish between the different types of contrast and themes. i feel that i let myself down massively with the photography section of pantone theory as i didn't really understand it fully. When i re-did this tai but on photoshop actually making the colour and re-arranging them helped me to understand this process. If i had more time i would go back to each section and develop them hopefully ending up in a some form of final products. I feel that i have gained a lot but i feel that i can expand my theory a lot further. 

     5. Name 5 things that you will improve on:

- I will learn Colour Theory skills until i grasp them completely
- I will keep in mid all the theory i have learned and apply it to my design work
- I will try harder to organise myself and the work i have to do. When i get even a piece of work then needs to be developed I will try and develop it within that week.  
- I will make full use of my blog at all times and do more theory work on this, as i feel a lot more can be done.
- I will enhance my skills in all areas studied, especially type and gird as i found this very interesting! 

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