Wednesday 8 February 2012


- Feedback - 

From the feedback i received i feel that i need to develop my posters further. If i had more time i would of introduced less posters and more creative ideas. I would have added in inventive aspects instead of keeping everything so 2d. i feel that in the design sessions i should have developed more design sheets and therefore i would have developed further ideas. From reading this feedback i have also realised my target audience isn't very clear, i should have developed and focused on that more specifically and I should of added in a website or link to this so that my posters seem to relate to something. Although my designs are simple, the type on them seemed to have taken a long time, however i feel that my posters look rushed and almost too simple.
My designs have not turned out how i'd like them to be. They are extremely flat based and are under developed. I feel that with more time and a wider view of my audience i could of created a better solution to my problem.

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