Friday, 5 April 2013

Whittlebee - Final Designs

My final Designs:

Deadline MAY 25th

For my final designs I wanted to create a range of products and methods of distribution which would puch the conpect of growth through my design. The idea of starting with a baby grow - to a t-shirt - to stationary develops the idea.

The giraffe i feel works as a character and suits the idea of the brief to bing a learning style and a 'cute' chacrert.


Image in Context of T-SHIRT & BABY GROW:

Choose the file(s) to display your design. Use up to 3 images in GIF or JPG format (RGB mode not CMYK), 845 pixels wide x 445 pixels tall. If you upload multiple images, they will display as a slideshow. All three of your slides combined should be under 250 KB.

Design in form of stationary:

I feel that this brief had been sucsessful in determining the age range of design. I have deisgned for an age range whcih i don't usually design for and i have used illustartion techniques that i have devloped from uk greetings to enter a design that could be used as part of a range.

The illustartion aspect of deisgn has taught me a lot, and using skills on illustaror and buildig my cofidnce has really encouraged me to devlop more designs/solutions like this in the future.

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